Friday, October 12, 2018

It's Fall Break! #flipblogs

It's Fall Break! And another #flipblogs challenge!

I'm thankful for the new challenge. It will hopefully keep me blogging regularly through the end of the year. And it's only once a week. I can do that, right?

Since it's been Fall Break, I really have nothing to vent about. I'm pretty rested and relaxed. "Chill," even.

I started the break with a trip to my favorite place on Earth (the Smoky Mountains) and have ended the week with some much-needed slow time at home.

I planned for the Monday return to school before I left last week, and I didn't bring any grading home with me.

I'll shift back into school-mode Sunday afternoon and evening.

And then next week will hit me like a ton of bricks, LOL.

But I've been thankful for the time to recharge and time with family. It will be a huge help in getting me to the end of First Semester and Christmas Break.

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