Sunday, September 7, 2014

My Most Inspirational Colleague

Week 1 of the 30-Day Reflective Teacher Blog Challenge by TeachThought is complete!  Today's topic:  "Who was or is your most inspirational colleague, and why?"

OK...this is impossible.  Just one?

I talked about Karen Chamness in my mentor post.  She was very inspirational to me for all the reasons she was a good mentor:  she was positive, she was available, she listened, she led by example.

I am very blessed to work in a family-like atmosphere at Arab Junior High School.  My colleagues and I actually like each other.  We spend time together outside of school.

While I am inspired by many different teachers in my school, for this post I will focus on my fellow math teachers.  They inspire me because I am always learning from them.

Lisa Laney has taught me to be more efficient in the classroom.

Milia Jones has taught me how to transition from a high school teacher to a middle school teacher.

Tiffany Brooks has taught me how to be more compassionate.

Anne-Marie Graves has taught me how to use technology to my and my students' advantage.

Tracie Bayer has taught me how to be a diplomatic communicator and how to reach every student.

I would not be the teacher I am without the influence and inspiration of these ladies.  I am thankful for them and for the opportunity to make this journey of teaching with them.

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