Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Flash of Something (Maybe) Resembling Brilliance #flipblogs

I get it wrong. A lot.

But every once in a while I have a spur-of-the-moment idea that I look back on and think, "That was pretty good."

I gave a "Quick Check" to Algebra 1 this morning. Four questions on our last concept. I give a Quick Check when I feel students are ready to receive a grade on the material we've been working on.

I began collecting students' work, and many of them were missing #4. Half of them were missing #4.

I could have graded it as is - maybe showing students how to do it later - or I could try to correct their misunderstanding immediately.

After I collected the papers, I instructed students to get their notes on the material out and look at the examples relating to the missed problem.

I gave the students a quarter-sheet of paper, wrote the problem from the Quick Check on the board, and told them to use their notes to rework the problem.

Students kept working on the problem until they got it correct.

I told students I would take their corrected work and count it as their #4. A large portion of students originally missed the problem; now they all had it correct.

They got immediate feedback. I think many of them learned in the process.

And I smugly gave myself a virtual pat-on-the-back for having a spontaneous idea that wasn't half-bad.

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