Saturday, September 8, 2018

Take Time to Rest #flipblogs

Teaching is a tiring job.

I know I'm not saying anything anybody reading this blog doesn't already know, but I finish most days mentally, physically, and emotionally spent.

By the time I get to Friday, I'm exhausted. My poor family wants to go out and do something, and all I want to do is crawl up on my chair in my jammies and watch TV in a semi-comatose state.

I realized a long time ago how important some rest on the weekend was to my health (mental, physical, and emotional).

I try to make Saturday a school-free day. close to school-free as I can. No papers, no plans, no emails.

It doesn't always happen. I'm not always successful.

But some sort of down time is so important.

It's important for me. It's important for you.

What do YOU do to ensure you stay healthy and effective?

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