Sunday, September 2, 2018

Has it Already Been a Month?!? #flipblogs

No, not the "20 out of 30" blog challenge month.

It's been a month of school already!!!

We completed 4 weeks with students last week.


People ask me how school is going, and my answer has pretty consistently been, "Exhausting." It's been a great start and things are going well, but it is tiring. That's typical, of course, but it seems to catch me off guard every year.

I've started a little differently this year. I'm trying the Open Up Resources curriculum. There will be more blog posts to come related to this. I like the curriculum - particularly the types of questions it asks and the depth of thinking it requires - but there have been no flipped lessons, yet. GASP! I know! Like I said...more posts to come. (And, yes, there will be flipped lessons eventually.)

I have a good group of kids. Discipline challenges are at a minimum. Thanks to the hard work of their previous teachers, they have a good foundation and are stepping up to the level of thinking I am asking of them.

The kids can't believe we're already a month into the school year. I told them progress reports would go home next week, and one boy said, "That means we're an 1/8 of the way through the school year!"

That made for one happy math teacher.

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